Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mah baby is FIVE!

I swear, when Jamieson was a newborn I can't begin to tell you how many people told me how fast the time would go by now that I was a mom. I thought they were full of it, but by golly, they're right! I can't believe it's been five years already. Really. I guess those people knew what they were talking about.

Jamieson had two parties again this year. One at the Harbour and one at home.

I threw this pic in just for you, Susan! I thought it might remind you of someone ;)

His party at home was a "Pirate" party. Jamieson insisted in the morning that he couldn't brush his teeth because "Pirates don't have shiny teeth, mummy! I can't brush them today!". Heck, it *was* his birthday...

He and Michael got right into the pirate thing...the knife between the teeth is a nice touch...

Note to self for next year: Weapons + kids hopped up on sugar = Not such a great idea.

Merry Christmas!

So, it's over for another year. Jamieson had a great time, lots of parties, loads of presents, and Santa was super good to him :)

Huh...I don't have any pictures of him opening his presents....guess it's all on video!