Awww, Christmas is over!
And it was a good one :) Jamieson loved his presents, but I think he loved the family parties even more.

This was taken at Mom's Christmas party that was held the Sunday before Christmas. He's playing with the present he got from his cousins Maggie, Brian, Mark and Dakota. To quote him, it was his "best present he ever got."

He is so excited about this book that his cousin, Lexie, gave him. It's one of those books that has the child's name, address and friends in it. He think's it totally cool to see HIS name in a book...especially in a book with SANTA!

Opening a present from Mommy and Daddy. It's a backhoe that has very, very loud noises and music. Not hard to tell Mom and Dad are rookies at this. *sigh* I guess batteries only last so long, hey?

And finally, one of my favourite pics so far. It's from Christmas afternoon at Aunt Michelle's and Daddy has just broken his heart by grumping at him for throwing presents. Poor little guy.
Well, back to work tomorrow. I guess a 3-day work week won't kill me...although it's going to be b-o-r-i-n-g with probably just 3 of us in the office. Oh well, Mickey Mouse week or not, I might catch some good sales downtown ;)
Merry Christmas everyone!
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